Frequently asked questions.

When will my order ship?

Orders are shipped within 3-5 business days of purchase. We use USPS ground shipping, which can take up to 7 business days to receive once shipped.

When will my reading be delivered?

Tarot readings are delivered between 24-48 hours of purchase (depending on which reading is chosen). They are delivered to the email that was used for purchase.

What is your return policy?

We do not accept returns. However, if your item arrives damaged, please reach out to us using the Contact button at the top of the website.

When is your next live event?

I host meditations and rituals every Full and New Moon via Zoom. To join, subscribe to my Patreon — all tiers receive access to these meditations. Our next in-person event will be June 20-23, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

More questions? Reach out to us via the Contact page!